
  • February 2012-present: Creation of free support groups and psychotherapy for the unemployed in order to strengthen the prevention, to avoid victimization and develop psychosocial skills of members. The first pilot group started as a private initiative from Dimitra Stavrou, founding member of EnErgw. Additionally two groups created by Kalliroi Paschou (psychologist) and George Giannoussis (sociologist) in Larissa, also founding members of EnErgw. 
  • January 2013-present: Research activity on unemployment: three studies (two in Athens qualitative and a quantitative in Evia, municipality Psahna).
  • September 2013: Creation of the theater group "Liminals" with unemployed members targeting on social awareness in collective welfare issues such as combating social racism and poverty, stigma, environmental protection etc.
  • September 2013: Creation of a blog: "Observatory formula for unemployment"
  • October 2013: Creation of a blog of the theater group "Liminals", page and supporters on facebook.
  • October 2013: Sponsors of the festival "Little Paris", with free performances by the theater group: "Liminals". 
  • April 2013: Participation in the conference "Psychoanalysis and Group" organized by the CNAM, Paris in 2013 with work, research product: "La dramathérapie psychanalytique: L'exemple d'un groupe de chômeurs en Grèce", by D. Stavros member and representative of the En Ergo koin.s.ep.".
  • March 2014: Call for the creation of group for psychosocial support of unemployed and underemployed people from the psychologist and member of En Ergo Kalliroi Paschou
  • April 2014: The ‘’Liminals open and accept’’ new members for cooperation and create new goals.
  • July 2014: Presentation of the performance "Free is" inspired by the work of Albert Camus, from the group "Liminals" theater EMPROS.
  • September 2014: We become acceptable to the Committee of the consultation bodies of the Municipality of Peuki, in which EnErgw administratively belongs
  • September 2014: The board of EnErgw decides the creation of a mental health and research center and begin the staffing process and organization.
  • October 2014: Intervention in the city by ‘’Liminals’’ with the presentation of performance: Kyklovoros/ Marne: Water knows its way
  • October 2014: Participation in Erasmus + program in Italy, training on how the theater of the oppressed can help social cohesion for young people. Participation with Maria Goudi (member of the theater group Liminals) Panagiotis Katsabanis (Teacher) and Dimitra Stavrou (Psychologist-Dramatherapist) and performer at Liminals.
  • November 2014: We start transnational cooperation on a voluntary basis for the creation of theatrical festivals in Italy for the July of 2015.
  • November 2014: Building on the experience from the Erasmus + we work on an innovative psychosocial intervention program for young people.
  • December 2014: EnErgw is presented as a ‘good example’ of social innovation at a conference organized by the British Council in the presentation of the Social Cooperative Business 180 degrees.
  • In 2014 we participated in four conferences on the social economy whereas we presented our work to date. 
  • January 2015: Start of a new psychotherapeutic group for the unemployed with four months duration, by the psychologist and employee in EnErgw, Ioannis Minogiannis.