Vision of "EnErgw" is to create new forms-structures of social and economic organization based on cooperation and solidarity, guided by the ideals of humanism. Through the principles of democracy, equality, justice, solidarity, sharing, respect to diversity, honesty, openness and social responsibility,
"EnErgw" intends to protect social consistency, offering innovative products and services that contribute to culture, improve the quality of life and develop the scientific knowledge and artistic creativity.
The collaboration with other social groups and cooperatives in Greece and abroad, serves the vision of "EnErgw" for a new social environment that promotes collective interest and co-creation.
- Creation of structures that offer help to vulnerable social groups
- Contribution to the reduction of social exclusion
- Improvement of the daily life of citizens
- Innovation of psychosocial interventions through research
- Interface and cooperation with the private and public sector for the promotion of innovation and the creation of new jobs